Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Lightning Of A Lightning Essay - 1306 Words

Roughly 265 years ago a man rode horseback through a lightning storm with both a kite and a key in hand, in hopes to prove something questioned by many; Whether or not lightning is a form of electricity. The sight may be strange to see and even hear about, but in the name of science and proving that lightning is, in fact, a type of energy, Benjamin Franklin, a scientist at heart, would do anything to test his theory about lightning. Though he may not have wanted to use this knowledge to capture lightning and convert it into usable energy, he did want to protect people and buildings by creating a path of least resistance to the ground for the lightning to travel, most commonly known as the lightning rod. Despite being a genius, capturing lightning for energy may have been a bit far out of reach for Franklin, perhaps more attainable by another scientist. Nikola Tesla, like Benjamin Franklin, was also captivated by the phenomenon of lightning. Tesla, did not want to capture lightning, but create the electrical effects to the same scale as one of nature’s most beautiful occurrences. Tesla’s idea was to â€Å"transmit electrical power without wires at high altitudes,† the same way energy is transferred during a lightning storm (Uth, 2000). In the grand scheme, his idea was too futuristic according to the many who thought he was crazy, however with the right tools, Tesla could have made it work. Lightning, while intriguing and a seemingly large waste of energy, is not as easy toShow MoreRelatedThe Lightning Thief1024 Words   |  5 PagesThe Lightning Thief Main article: The Lightning Thief The Lightning Thief is the first book in the series. It was released on June 28, 2005. Percy Jackson is a 12-year-old with ADHD and dyslexia. Percy goes to a middle school called Yancy Academy, which is a school for troubled kids. 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